Shelley Malone

Bob & Debbie Driver

Natural Stone

jim and lynne hackedorn

Pat & James McGrew

ronald m. sledge 

luncheon underwriters

inspire sponsors

Carolyn Gray

kurt and marlene nondorf

Eva & Bobby Haier

John & Lisa Sarvadi

Brent & angela shaw 

Marlyn and richard hovind

faith sponsors

the sartain and tamez family trust fund

Chris & Kelsey George 

steven and paula thomas 

In Memory of Charles Werlla

DJ & Tina Blockhus

Betty Christian

michael & donna Kay Farr

Thomas Larwin

fuller life therapy

Amiee & Wynne Snoots

teresa montgomery

Jerry and molly abshire

Ward and Iris Ann Schmidt

Ben and Jennifer McClure 

the flores family

empower sponsors

Marijean Morris

Transforming Lives Luncheon text

Cathy airola

Elizabeth and Albert Kidd

Steve and Karin Wende

Michael & Luisa Kenny

Diane O'Brien

linda morgan

john and terri gugenheim

​Our 2024 Sponsors

Rex & Marillyn Lee King Family Foundation 

Amie and Jeff Springmeyer

in honor of Marlene Nondorf

Elva godwin

Nancy Jenkins & Eric Viehman

Laura wayne

Ruthie Estes

Stanley & DiAnne Kneipp

hope sponsors

Alan and evelyn radwanski

Angel sponsors